- Sellers
- Buyers
- Investors
- Landlords
- Mortgages
- Renters
Scripts for Videos
- Sellers
- Buyers
- Sellers
- Buyers
- Landlords
- Renters
- Market Reports
- Letters & Emails
50+ Letters & Emails
to copy & use
Social Media Posts
- Market Reports
- Captioned Posts
- Blank Templates
- Carousel Posts
- Listings Posts
- Reviews Templates
- Seller Video Stories
- Buyer Video Stories
- Captioned Stories
- Blank Story Templates
- Listing Stories
Market Report Templates
- Square Video Reports
- Suburb Profile Videos
- PDF Market Reports
Articles to copy & use
- Sellers
- Staging
- Buyers
- Investors
- Landlords
- Mortgages
Brandable Printables
- Magazine Style Guides
- Listing Presentations
- CMA Templates
- Buyer Guides
- Printable Checklists
For Sale / Rent / Sold
- Styled Collections
- Listing PDFs
- Listing Social Posts
- Listing Reels
- Listing Postcards
- Listing VIDEOS
We are adding at least 20+ new items to the Library every week.
Why Use AgentsLibrary?
Because if you are creating your content from scratch – You will spend more time researching & creating content, than creating revenue as an agent.
Agents Library will literally save you hundreds of hours in creating content.
And allow you to unlock the power of video with no technical skills.
Guaranteed to save you at least 200+ Hours a year creating content from scratch.
$89 for 200+ hours saved!
How does it work?
Simple and Easy!
1- Choose the template you want to use
2- Click download and receive download link by email
3- Open link in Canva
4- Make any changes, save & use as your own
Can I get a trial?
Yes – Use this link to request a free trial account. And we will send you a number of free templates.
Why is Agents Library so cheap?
The value provided at just a few dollars is incredible. Our reasoning behind this, is that we want to be able to help as many Real Estate Agents as we possibly can – Not just the top producers but all agents.
How many templates can I download?
You can download 7 items each week. 3 Videos a week + any combination of other content.
Do I need Canva Pro?
No (maybe) – most of the templates only require the free version of Canva. However there are a few videos that require Canva Pro. You can get a free 30 day trial on Canva Pro.
Can I edit videos in Canva?
Yes. Canva’s new video editor is brilliant and very easy to use. All our templates are designed to open in Canva allowing you to easily make any changes that you want.
How do I add my own branding?
Simply open the Canva Template link that we send you. Then using Canva you can easily add your branding: Add your logo or any images. You can also change colors, text, font and totally any part of the template you want to change.
Why Canva?
There are many reasons. The biggest reason is that it is very powerful and so easy to use. Millions of people use Canva, so by creating our templates to be editable in Canva means that the vast majority of Agents can easily edit any part of the templates without having to purchase and learn other editing software. You can even edit ALL Videos directly in Canva!
Where can I use Templates?
You can use the materials on your website, your emails, your social media channels or even print. Basically where ever you need to. (As long it is ONLY for YOUR use).
Can I share templates & materials with teammates?
No – We make incredibly affordable and good value. Any materials that are supplied to you are strictly for your use ONLY and cannot be in anyway shared for use by anyone else.